8 Most Silliest Laws of Georgia State That You Must Need to Know

The state of Georgia has a huge number of rules that people have to follow, and every year hundreds more are added. With those kinds of numbers, it’s not a surprise that there are some pretty strange rules.

Are you ready to discover some of them? Read on to learn more about the top silliest laws in Georgia that we chose just for you.

The Most Silliest Laws in Georgia

No Chickens Crossing the Road

The chickens in Quitman should not even think about crossing the road, no matter what their “why” is. In Quitman, it’s against the law for chickens to cross the road.

GA has a lot of crazy rules, but this one has a good reason for being there. It’s possible for your chickens to cause an accident if they cross the road. Anyone who owns those chickens could be sued if an accident does hurt someone or cause damage. Also, the government looks out for the lives of chickens.

Maybe you thought that was the last strange chicken rule in Georgia. You would be wrong. Check out law number 4 for more crazy chicken stuff!

No Spitting

If you’re going through Marietta, you should know that you can’t spit there. It is against the law to spit out of a car or bus window because of this strange rule. Still, it’s okay to spit from a truck.

It’s not clear why this law was made in the first place, but it’s likely that lawmakers thought that smoking and trying to spit out of the window could cause an accident. In the same way, a passenger who spits out the window might hit the car behind them with the ball. In these cases, the driver who is said to have been spitting would probably be held responsible for any accidents that happened because of it.

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No Eating Fried Chicken With a Fork

People who visit Gainesville should know that it is known as the “poultry capital of the world.” It’s not surprising that lawmakers in this high-class area have made important rules about how to properly eat their delicious chicken goods.

Gainesville, Florida, made it illegal to eat fried chicken with a fork in 1961. This crazy law isn’t really followed, although one 91-year-old woman was arrested and charged with this crime in 2009 as part of a practical joke.

Ride Llamas at Your Own Risk

Some things, like flying, are thought to be naturally dangerous. Any action with llamas is also seen as naturally dangerous in Georgia, so you’ll have to do any of these things at your own risk. That means you’ll be legally and financially responsible for any damage you get from a llama. A lot of the time, the Georgia Department of Agriculture says that llama owners are not responsible if their animals get hurt or die.

No Street Ball

We all remember very well the good times we had as kids in the United States. For most of us, that included lots of days spent playing in the streets. But in Dublin, it is against the law to play any kind of ball games on any road, alley, path, or public street.

There are a lot of crazy rules in Georgia, but this one makes a lot of sense. Too many terrible accidents happen when kids play in the street or when their balls roll into it.These are our Initials

People have carved their names into trees and other structures as a way to show their love. But in Columbus, it is against the law to make this kind of art anywhere, whether it’s on private or public land.

Only One Price for One Beer

“Happy hours” are times when bars and other businesses start selling alcoholic drinks at a lower price. If you don’t live in Georgia, you’ve probably heard of them. Things aren’t the same during happy hours if you live in Georgia, though. This is because Georgia law says that stores can’t charge the same price for two beers. For instance, a bar would not be allowed to offer a “two-for-one” deal on booze.

No Defacing Trees With Initials

People have carved their names into trees and other structures as a way to show their love. But in Columbus, it is against the law to make this kind of art anywhere, whether it’s on private or public land.

Don’t Tie Your Pets Up in Public

It is against the law in Atlanta to tie your put up to a lamppost, pole, or other object in public. This rule is in place for a simple reason: if you leave your pet alone, it could bite someone else.

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