Soros’ Southampton Mansion Hit by False 911 Call, Prompts Police Response

George Soros, a left-wing billionaire, was apparently “swatted” on Saturday at his Southampton Village, New York, residence, joining several other well-known individuals who have fallen for the 911 hoax in recent weeks.

According to the New York Post, someone called the Southampton Village Police Department just before nine o’clock on Saturday night, claiming that he had shot his wife and made suicide threats at the mansion on Old Town Road.

Police were on the location in a hurry, but Southampton Village Detective Sgt. Herman Lamison told the Post that the call was not genuine.

Fox News Digital contacted Southampton Village Police, including Lamison, regarding the situation, but they did not reply right away.

Nevertheless, the Post claimed to have obtained a tape of the police radio conversation, during which a responding officer claimed to have spoken with security, checked the property, and concluded there was a “negative problem.”

Soros' Southampton Mansion Hit by False 911 Call, Prompts Police Response (1)

A “swatting” crime involves setting up a fictitious police report for a violent crime that would necessitate a more intensive law enforcement response, such as murder, hostage crisis, or other crimes, and then calling in the complaint to the target’s residence.

The purpose of the fictitious police report is to force the police to send a SWAT squad to the target’s residence. As a result, swatting diverts police attention from legitimate crimes and turns the state into an unintentional tool for intimidating someone in their own house.

As part of his efforts to restructure the criminal justice system, Soros has supported scores of far-left prosecutor candidates in several cities, including former St. Louis district attorney Kim Gardner, Chicago’s Kim Foxx, Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, and others.

But Soros’s reformation of the criminal justice system goes beyond the prosecutors.

In 2022, Future Forward USA Action received $15.18 million from the Open Society Policy Center, a Soros-funded advocacy nonprofit inside the network of Open Society Foundations, for research and “content testing on critical policy issues.”

Records show that the foundation is associated with President Biden’s primary outside super PAC for the 2024 elections, which assesses important policy issues.

An examination of Federal Election Commission records reveals that Future Forward USA Action, which does not disclose the identities of its donors, has directed $77 million into the Future Forward PAC since the 2020 election. With the PAC raising around $181 million in that period, its connected dark-money nonprofit accounted for over 40% of the Biden PAC’s funding.

The most recent prominent person to be “swatted” in recent weeks is Soros.

Secretary of State Shenna Bellows of Maine received a swarm Friday night after she eliminated former President Trump from the state’s Republican presidential primary for 2024 late on Thursday.

Representatives Brandon Williams of New York and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, both Republicans, received swatting calls on Christmas Day.

Then Ohio Republican state representative Kevin D. Miller claimed to have been swatted last Tuesday.

Brie Stimson and Joe Schoffstall from Fox News Digital contributed to this article.

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