Key Voter Groups’ Backing Slips for Biden, Prompting Democratic Concerns for 2024

As to a recent poll, President Biden’s chances of winning a second term in the presidential election later this year are still slim due to his continued loss of support among several voter categories.

In the 2020 presidential election, Biden’s popularity among Black voters dropped to just 63% from 92%, according to data from the Pew Research Center. Among Hispanic voters, it dropped to 34% from 59%, according to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll issued on Monday.

Furthermore, among those under 35, Biden trails his probable Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump, 37%–33%.

Good news for Biden fans: the poll indicates that the majority of the lost support is now going to third-party candidates instead of Trump, which seems to give the former president the advantage.

Biden trails Trump 39%–37%, with an unidentified third-party candidate obtaining 17% of the vote. Trump leads Biden 37%–34% among designated third-party candidates, while 10% of voters back independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Key Voter Groups' Backing Slips for Biden, Prompting Democratic Concerns for 2024 (1)

Two percent of young voters and twenty percent of Black and Hispanic voters, respectively, said they would rather back a third-party candidate than either Biden or Trump, according to the poll.

The survey also reveals a huge difference in the level of enthusiasm between Trump and Biden followers: 44% of Trump supporters rate their level of enthusiasm as “a 10,” while only 18% of Biden supporters do the same.

Both Trump and Biden continue to maintain sizable leads among their respective likely primary voters. Republican candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur, is at 6%, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is at 4%, and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley is at 13%. Republicans who say they will back Trump are 62 percent of the party.

With 74% of the vote, Biden does even better inside his party than author Marianne Williamson (9%), who received 2%, and Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota (2%).

Only 39% of Americans think they are satisfied with Biden’s work performance, while 58% are not. Vice President Harris’s approval rating is 33%, while 57% disapprove. This number is higher.

These dismal results for Biden coincide with analysts and experts, including former Obama administration official David Axelrod and seasoned Democratic strategist James Carville, continuing to warn that Trump might win the presidency again.

Roosevelt University political science professor and author David Faris recently declared that the bad news for Democrats was “even worse than it looks,” claiming that Biden’s historically low polling numbers should cause the party to “panic” in the run-up to 2024.

Democrats’ level of fear regarding Biden’s status will depend on how his situation stacks up against that of previous presidents. The liberal-leaning political scientist wrote, “There’s no sugarcoating this: This may be the most dire situation facing any Democratic presidential candidate in decades as well as the worst polling environment for an incumbent president one year out from an election since the advent of the polling era in the 1930s.”

He said, “Panic is justified.”

The Biden campaign has been contacted for comment by Fox News Digital.

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