Consider These Most Dangerous Nashville Neighbourhoods Before Live There

There are a lot of things that go into choosing a neighborhood when you want to buy a house. How are the schools? What else is there to do nearby? What kind of people will live next door? Before moving in, no one wants to find out that they don’t feel safe. When it comes to safety, these ten Nashville areas might not be the best places for you to live.

Consider this in Nashville’s Neighbourhoods

There aren’t any really bad areas. Some of the world’s least expensive neighborhoods have people who never have to deal with crime their whole lives. And some of the world’s most expensive areas have bad things happen in them. That which is the best place to live is both subjective and individual.

Rates from roadsnacks and upgradedhome have been added to this list, which is changed yearly. The jobless rate, median income, population density, low home values, and high crime rates were all used to rank these parts of town as a whole. Also, the crime rates are just guesses; they are not true FBI crime numbers.

You can’t look into a crystal ball and tell what Nashville will be like in ten years, but you can be sure that at least one of these neighborhoods will move on to another list: these are Nashville’s coolest and newest neighborhoods. Sylvan Park is a great example of how an older area in Nashville has been cleaned up and brought back to life.

You probably wouldn’t have been proud to call this home a few years ago, let alone five to ten years ago. Now, the streets with sidewalks are full of cool coffee shops and restaurants, and the roundabouts make the infrastructure look nice. Generation Y is buying homes in Sylvan Park because they want to build a house to raise their kids in.

Most Dangerous Neighbourhoods of Nashville


Over the years, Bordeaux has become known as the place where single moms live. Not without good reason, since at least 20% of households in Bordeaux are run by single moms. Some of the worst crime and lowest income in town can be found in this area. It’s hard when the jobless rate is 5.5% and the vacancy rate is 12%. A lot of homes are empty, and people who don’t have jobs are looking for things to do. That usually makes things worse.

Buena Vista

Buena Vista is often rated as one of Nashville’s unsafest areas. It is close to Bordeaux. One of the most common crimes here is drug use, which also makes physical crime more common. Another thing that all of the neighborhoods on our list of the safest places in Nashville have in common is that they don’t have good schools.

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McKissack Park

It’s too bad that McKissack Park has a bad name that will be hard to erase. This area has twice as much crime as the rest of the country. People in this part of town don’t make much money, and there isn’t much to do there. To get out of town for a bit, like to go to parks or just walk around, you almost have to take the bus or have another way to get around. As long as home prices stay low in McKissack Park, this area is likely to remain low-income.

Osage-North Fisk

This part of town used to be very busy when it was built up from the 1930s to the 1960s. But as people moved to the suburbs to have a big yard and a white picket fence, this area was left behind. It’s not as dangerous as some of the other places on our list, but it’s still a rough spot. The housing prices are surprisingly high, which is probably because so many homes are being fixed up. This shows that people want to move to this part of town. Still, the money isn’t very good, and there’s a lot of crime.

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