California National Guard Sergeant Arrested for Alleged Drug Raid Info Leak, Illegal Weapons Possession

Ruby Celly Uribe, a 17-year Army veteran and sergeant first class serving in the California National Guard and counter-drug task force, was detained on suspicion of possessing guns after being accused of giving a drug dealer access to confidential information regarding drug raids.

Uribe was accused of having a short-barreled gun that was not registered and that was modified to shoot fully automatically at her house.

California National Guard Sergeant Arrested for Alleged Drug Raid Info Leak, Illegal Weapons Possession (1)

Fake drug raids were organized by the FBI as part of their investigation into Uribe’s dubious conduct, which included giving military munitions to a friend and disclosing operational intelligence.

Text messages from Uribe’s phone attested to the fact that she gave information about counterdrug operations to someone who was allegedly engaged in illicit drug activity.

The accusations made against Uribe do not align with the standards of the California Military Department, and the National Guard is assisting federal law enforcement in their efforts.

What do you think about drugs? Is it bad or good for health? Tell us your opinion!

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