A man was apprehended by the Redwood City Police Department after allegedly threatening a church employee with a box cutter.

Man Threatening Employee with Box Cutter Taken Into Custody

A man was apprehended by the Redwood City Police Department after allegedly threatening a church employee with a box cutter.

The disturbing episode transpired on Monday evening at around 7:31 p.m., prompting a swift response from law enforcement. 

Authorities received a distressing report detailing a confrontation involving a suspect wielding a blade within the confines of the church premises. 

The individual who reported the incident took it upon themselves to tail the suspect, identified as 29-year-old Jorge Orozco, as he hastily fled the scene.

The Redwood City Police Department, acting on the vigilant information provided by the eyewitness, successfully tracked down Orozco in a nearby neighborhood. 

A subsequent statement from the police department revealed that Orozco, upon contact with law enforcement, was detained without resistance, and a box cutter was discovered on his person.

Church Threat Suspect in Custody

A man was apprehended by the Redwood City Police Department after allegedly threatening a church employee with a box cutter.

The suspect was positively identified by the victim of the threat, as well as two additional witnesses present during the harrowing encounter.

The motive behind Orozco’s alarming actions remains shrouded in mystery, as investigators are yet to determine whether he had any affiliation with the church or if there were specific individuals he may have known within the congregation. 

The victim, who bore the brunt of Orozco’s menacing threats, escaped unharmed, ensuring that the distressing incident did not result in any physical injuries.

In the aftermath of the confrontation, Orozco has been booked into the San Mateo County Jail on charges of felony assault with a deadly weapon. 

As the investigation unfolds, authorities are diligently working to unravel the circumstances that led to this unnerving incident, aiming to shed light on Orozco’s motivations and any potential connections to the church.

With the suspect now in custody, the Street Life Ministries Church can begin the process of healing and addressing the aftermath of this unsettling event, while the community awaits further updates from the ongoing investigation into this alarming assault.

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