Political Humor: Trump Trolls Biden with Satirical ‘White House Senior Living’ Advertisement

A mock commercial featuring the White House as a “senior living” facility where “residents feel like presidents” was released by Donald Trump as a joke on President Joe Biden.

The fake television ad, which was posted to Mr. Trump’s Instagram page, featured funny clips of the president in action eating and having fun at the beach, concluding with him devouring a large scoop of ice cream.

The thirty-second video has Mr. Biden snippets intercut with a soft-spoken narrator promoting “delightful activities and outings” and “exquisite housemade meals.”

The prank movie also included a 2022 footage in which First Lady Jill Biden intervenes to assist her husband, Joe Biden, as he struggles to put on his jacket and his aviator glasses fall off his face.

In addition to being offered at “White House Senior Living,” the narrator’s “around-the-clock professional care” was superimposed over this unpleasant moment.

Political Humor Trump Trolls Biden with Satirical 'White House Senior Living' Advertisement (1)In an attempt to grab attention at rallies, the former president has frequently used Mr. Biden’s age as fodder for his “comedic” skits and tirades, referring to him as “Sleepy Joe.”

On the other hand, poll respondents and politicians have expressed growing concerns about President Biden’s aging, so Mr. Trump’s harsh 30-second clip is not the first time that these issues have been raised about his age.

When Mr. Trump attacked the White House as a “senior living,” he could have forgotten his age, even though Mr. Biden would be 86 if he served a second term.

With Mr. Trump being 77 years old, Mr. Biden is only three and a half years older than the president.

Polls from last year both had worries that Mr Biden and Mr Trump were too old for the Oval Office.

51% of US Americans, according to an August AP-NORC poll, believed that Mr. Trump was too old. At the same time, 77% of Americans said the same thing about President Biden, who came in higher on the list.

Remarkably, only 28% of Republicans thought that Mr. Trump’s advanced age was a problem, while a whopping 69% of Democrats thought that Mr. Biden was too senior.

On Morning Joe on Thursday, the day before Mr. Trump’s parody advertisement was posted on his social media, the current First Lady defended her husband in the face of criticism for his age during his campaign. She claimed that age is simply an “asset” to his presidency, bringing “wisdom” and “experience.”

Mr. Trump, for better or worse, has his record as the first-ever former US president to be charged with a crime, even if Mr. Biden is, for better or worse, the oldest person to take office.

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