Must Check These Squatters Rights in Colorado for 2024

Have you seen someone camping out on your Colorado property without permission? One of the biggest issues for property owners might be squatting. Before doing anything drastic, though, make sure you are aware of Colorado’s Squatters’ Rights.

We will cover all you need to know about Colorado’s squatting laws in this book, including how to lawfully and swiftly evict squatters and keep other potential intruders from entering your property.

Who Are Squatters?

A squatter is a person who occupy a structure or piece of land without authorization or proper legal status. They could be in a house that has been abandoned, a lot that is empty, or even a property where they shouldn’t be. In Colorado, squatters do this for a variety of reasons, such as obtaining cheap housing or expressing their political views.

Why Do Squatters Have Rights?

The concept of “squatter’s rights,” or adverse occupancy, originated with British property law, which was intended to establish distinct property lines. These rights emerged in the United States as a result of the country’s fast urbanization and growing need for reasonably priced housing. These rules allow anyone to occupy unoccupied or abandoned property and, if certain requirements are met, even claim ownership after a period of time has passed. Encouraging property owners to make use of their assets discourages asset neglect and decay, while also ensuring that all available space is utilized.

Squatters Rights in Colorado

In the classic sense, Colorado does not exactly have “squatter’s rights.” Rather, it adheres to the notion of adverse possession as per the law. This implies that, under certain conditions, squatters who have been residing on a piece of land without authorization may be able to purchase it:

  • Time: The squatter must occupy the land for at least eighteen years in an open and continuous manner.
  • Exclusivity: Unlike roommates, they are unable to share it with anybody.
  • Openness: The presence of a living person must be readily apparent to all parties involved, including the owner.
  • Anger: It has to be against the owner’s wishes that they are there.

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How Do You Remove Squatters from Your Colorado Property?

Fortunately, squatting laws in Colorado offer a streamlined process for removing squatters thanks to Bill SB 18-015 passed in 2018. If the squatters lack any legal right to be there, you can bypass the traditional eviction process. Simply sign a document stating they’re on the property without your permission. Law enforcement can then remove them within 24 hours.

However, this only applies if the squatters don’t have a shred of legal justification for being there, such as a faulty ownership document (“color of title”) or another legitimate claim. If there’s any doubt, it’s best to consult with a lawyer to ensure you follow the proper legal channels for removal.

How Can You Protect Your Property from Squatters in Colorado?

In Colorado, there are a few ways to keep squatters out of your property:

  • Secure the Property: Install strong locks, security systems, and fencing.
  • Regular Inspections: Frequently visit and inspect your property.
  • Post “No Trespassing” Signs: Clearly mark boundaries with visible signs.
  • Maintain the Property: Keep it clean, and well-maintained, and address any issues promptly.
  • Hire a Property Manager: For vacant properties, hire someone to oversee and maintain the premises.
  • Promptly Address Trespassers: Act quickly if you notice unauthorized individuals, contacting law enforcement if necessary.
  • Lease Agreements: Ensure any rental agreements are in writing and legally binding.
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