In February last year, Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo residing in Portugal, was celebrated as the world's oldest canine by Guinness World Records at the age of 30 years and 268 days.

Guinness World Records Launches Probe as Bobi Loses ‘Oldest Ever Dog’ Title

In February last year, Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo residing in Portugal, was celebrated as the world’s oldest canine by Guinness World Records at the age of 30 years and 268 days. 

However, recent developments have cast doubt on the authenticity of his remarkable age.

Bobi passed away in October 2023, reportedly at the age of 31 years and 163 days, prompting scrutiny into the legitimacy of his record-breaking status. 

Despite being officially recognized by the Portuguese government’s pet database and the National Union of Veterinarians, questions have arisen regarding the accuracy of Bobi’s reported age.

The skepticism revolves around discrepancies in photographs allegedly depicting Bobi in his youth, showing white paws, contrary to their brown appearance in his later years, as reported by The Times. 

In response to the growing concerns, Guinness World Records has decided to temporarily withdraw his title pending a thorough investigation.

A spokeswoman for Guinness World Records stated, “While our review is ongoing, we have decided to temporarily pause both the record titles for ‘oldest dog living’ and ‘oldest dog ever’ – just until all of our findings are in place.”

Reports suggest that Bobi’s age may have been exaggerated due to inadequate fact-checking. An investigation by Wired magazine revealed that Bobi was only registered on the Portuguese government’s pet database in 2022, a year before his demise.

Dog Age Record Controversy

In February last year, Bobi, a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo residing in Portugal, was celebrated as the world’s oldest canine by Guinness World Records at the age of 30 years and 268 days.

Bobi’s owner had claimed that the canine was born in 1992, but the database’s official response stated, “no registration or data that can confirm or deny this statement.” 

Mandatory registration of dogs born before 2008 in Portugal only became effective in October 2020, leaving room for uncertainties regarding Bobi’s actual birth year.

As the controversy unfolds, the possibility of the title passing to Spike, a living chihuahua from Ohio, emerges. 

Spike briefly held the crown in January last year at the age of 23 before being surpassed by Bobi.

However, even Spike’s title is under scrutiny. Guinness World Records informed Spike’s owner, Rita Kimball, that they are reviewing their verification process for animal age records. 

In an email, a representative stated, “It’s likely many of our record categories will require a second opinion for verification in the future,” emphasizing the need for a second vet to assess Spike’s age before reinstating his record.

The investigation continues, leaving the canine record community in suspense as the search for the world’s oldest dog takes unexpected turns.

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