California Announces Health Care Access for Undocumented Residents Starting 2024: How to Apply

The final age group to be covered by Medi-Cal, undocumented people aged 26 to 49, can now apply starting on Monday. About 750,000 residents are anticipated to receive full coverage as a result of the expansion, which is anticipated to result in the biggest decline in California’s uninsured rate in ten years. An estimated $2.6 billion will be spent on it each year.

For many of these people, if not most of them, it’s a life-changing experience, according to Rachel Linn Gish, director of communications for Health Access California. “Families can now enroll together.”

California Announces Health Care Access for Undocumented Residents Starting 2024 How to Apply (1)

To apply, a person can go to the website of the California Department of Health Care Services, locate the closest county office, and submit an application in person, or they can download the form and mail it in.

Per the Public Policy Institute of California, there are more than 2 million unauthorized residents in California—the highest number in the nation.

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