6 US Cities at Highest Risk of the Nuclear Attack

A foreign nuclear assault has to be among the worst possibilities when it comes to nightmare scenarios for the United States. Even if there is little chance of such an attack, specialists are nevertheless making preparations in case it happens.

Additionally, Irwin Redlender, a Columbia University faculty member and disaster preparedness expert, cautions that the nation is not nearly ready for such a prospect, noting.

Not a single American jurisdiction has even remotely sufficient plans in place to handle a nuclear explosion.
Redlener believes that because those cities are among the most densely inhabited in the nation, they would be quite likely to be the first targets.

6 US Cities at Highest Risk of the Nuclear Attack

The following six cities are the most likely to be in danger in the event of a future nuclear strike on the United States, according to a Business Insider story:

1) Chicago, Illinois

2) Texas’s Houston

3) California’s Los Angeles

4) The city of New York

5) California’s San Francisco

6) Washington, D.C.

What Would be the Safest Country in a Nuclear War?

The study’s authors discovered that New Zealand and Australia, two prosperous agricultural nations hidden away from potential nuclear fallout hotspots in the northern hemisphere, topped the rankings, with Australia doing best all around.

6 US Cities at Highest Risk of the Nuclear Attack (1)

Furthermore, each of them has a different infrastructure that is essential to the security of the United States. Additionally, he points out that not all cities have provided the public with sufficient emergency information, leaving them uncertain about how to respond if such a nightmare materializes. But as Lawrence Livermore Laboratory physicist Brooke Buddemeier clarifies.

Many lives can be saved by a small amount of knowledge. We can drastically limit people’s exposure if we can just get them indoors. Because of this, people must begin educating themselves right now to proactively prepare for any disasters in the future.

It’s also critical to realize that while those six cities are the most likely to be targeted, other locations should also be prepared. Redlener continues, saying:

No city is safe. Depending on the time of day and the location of the incident, the detonation of a bomb similar to or smaller than Hiroshima might result in anywhere from 50,000 to 100,000 fatalities and hundreds of thousands of injuries in New York City.


The fact that many large cities no longer provide emergency shelters, which are essential for surviving in the event of nuclear fallout, is one of the main problems he observes. The amount of area required for emergency facilities has decreased as a result of large cities’ desire to provide more options for affordable housing.

For this reason, people ought to begin planning as soon as possible, while there is still time. Because it will be far more difficult to respond to a calamity after it has begun.

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