Will This Be Banned in New York State by 2024?

A proposed bill that would alter how residents of New York State heat their houses has been the subject of several rumors and misleading reporting. Nevertheless, as of right now, New York State does not have any regulations that would prohibit wood stoves and fireplaces.

The holidays are approaching and the winter weather has arrived. On a chilly, crisp day, nothing compares to the coziness, warmth, and aroma of a wood stove or fireplace. Not to mention Christmas eve fire. Before burning wood inside your home, fire officials advise you to make sure your fireplace is secure and your chimney is clean.

However, what does burning wood in New York State hold for the future? The matter has garnered a lot of attention and controversy since the rumors started a few years ago.

Around this time last year, there were conversations everywhere as people looked for the facts about the plan in New York State.

Editor’s note: A statement from the New York State Department of Environment Conservation has been added to this story. Please refer to the “Statement from the NYS DEC.” section below.

Is it becoming less common in New York State to heat your home with a wood furnace? A bill that is now in the works in New York will start to alter how houses and buildings there are heated in an effort to lower carbon emissions.

The New York State Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, which was passed into law in 2019, is expected to have a significant impact by 2022.

Sections 2 and 3 of the bill would modify the Environmental Conservation Law to establish the New York state climate action council, and green-house gas emissions limits and reporting requirements, and provisions to address potential impacts on disadvantaged communities.

This part of the bill states that it will take effect in October.

The bill would take effect on the same date as a chapter of the law of 2019 relating to a permanent environmental justice advisory group as proposed except that the community air monitoring program required by section 2 of the act shall take effect on October 1, 2022.

This new rule seeks to stop the harm that outdoor boilers and wood-burning furnaces contribute to the environment, much like the reasons why gas ATVs won’t be sold in New York State.

Statement from the NYS DEC

The Climate Action Council’s Draft Scoping Plan does not contain any recommended actions directed specifically at wood burning.

The statement continues:

The State is not considering legislation that would ban wood burning. The Draft Scoping Plan puts forth strategies and actions to achieve the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.

You can read their entire press release, CLICK HERE. 

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