Trump Booed Throughout His Speech to Libertarians

Former President Donald Trump received loud boos at the Libertarian Party’s national convention on Saturday. The boos were particularly strong when he asked the attendees to either nominate him or at least vote for him. Trump finished his campaign speech in just 34 minutes, making it one of the shortest speeches so far.

Trump is used to having mostly supportive crowds at his events. People who attend his events often wear red “Make America Great Again” hats and other Trump clothing. They cheer loudly when Trump makes negative comments about other candidates and everyday people. His statements are often nationalistic, divisive, and harsh.

The heckling started right when Trump went on stage at the event. This caused the supporters of the former president who were present to chant, “We want Trump.”

“I believe you should choose me as a nominee or at least vote for me, and together we can achieve victory,” Trump stated. “The Libertarians want to vote for me because it’s crucial to remove the current president, Joe Biden, who they believe is the worst in history,” he explained.

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The likely Republican nominee for the 2024 presidential election criticized Biden multiple times during his speech, as well as independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Trump responded to the booing from attendees at the Libertarian event by making critical remarks about members of that party, even though they were the ones hosting him. He continued to tease and persuade the party to vote for him in the upcoming election.

“If you want to win, then do that. But if you want to lose, then don’t do that. Keep getting your 3% every four years,” he said, talking about Gary Johnson, who was the Libertarian presidential nominee in 2016 and received just over 3% of the popular vote. The vote total received by the Libertarian party candidate was the highest ever recorded.

Trump gave a speech to the Libertarians that was different from what is usual. This shows that the Trump team is becoming more worried about third-party candidates. They are concerned because the election might be very close in some states, and even a small number of Kennedy supporters could have an impact on the result.

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