San Francisco Eyes Enhanced Pedestrian Safety with Impending State Law Changes: Know Here

San Francisco launched “Vision Zero” ten years ago to eliminate all pedestrian fatalities by 2024. Needless to say, that target has not been reached.

Nonetheless, a new state rule that may improve safety near crosswalks recently took effect on Monday, despite certain difficulties in a city like San Francisco.

For employment, Robie Harnois went from Connecticut, and he’s still not sure how to handle San Francisco traffic.

San Francisco Eyes Enhanced Pedestrian Safety with Impending State Law Changes Know Here (1)

“No, even after a week here, I haven’t adjusted to the environment. She laughed and added, “I don’t know what’s harder, walking or driving.


  • Harnois expressed her amazement at the multitude of distractions that drivers must contend with.
  • “In the middle of the street, there are people, scooters, cable cars, and tents, you know. There are numerous challenges,” she remarked.
  • People attempting to cross the street become more vulnerable as a result, particularly when cars parked along the sidewalks can partially obscure them.
  • John Goodwin, a resident of Tenderloin, stated, “Yeah, I feel like people can’t see me when I’m around the sidewalk.” “It feels that way a lot, especially here in San Francisco.”

Thus, on January 1st, Assembly Bill 413 became operative after being signed into law. To prevent people like Joe Vitale from having to cross the street to see beyond a massive van that is parked close to the corner, it forbids parking within 20 feet of a crosswalk, whether it is marked or not.

“You do not want to be struck by a car,” Virtale responded. “You should glance about you. However, I still glance about because some of these drivers—oh boy—are not good news.”

In the Tenderloin District: A safety measure known as “daylighting” is already in place. It gives extra space for pedestrians waiting at the junction. There are barriers on most corners that forbid parking close to the crosswalks. However, things are different in the Sunset District’s residential neighborhoods.

As far as the eye can see, automobiles are parked along the street there. There’s a reason, according to neighborhood resident Lisa Mouton, why there are so many cars parked in an area when the majority of homes only have single-car garages.

San Francisco Eyes Enhanced Pedestrian Safety with Impending State Law Changes Know Here (2)

“One person may have like, five, six cars,” she stated. “I believe that’s unjust because it keeps the parking away, but you know, that’s their privilege. those who are in actual need of a place.”

This law solely covers junctions that are not marked. Even when a curb is painted red, people are still allowed to park there as long as it is at least 20 feet from the crosswalk. However, cars are parked directly at the edge of junctions in the Sunset communities because there are no red curbs or barriers to hold people back.

The majority of the cars close to intersections are parked illegally, per the new law. However, Hilton, a local, stated he doesn’t think it’s particularly useful.

“Man, this isn’t going to be doable outside. mostly because you already can see how tight it is,” he remarked. “If it’s illegal, people are just going to get tickets left and right.”

He added that many parts of the City operate in that manner.

“Out here in San Francisco, you’re fighting for parking as it is,” he stated. “Therefore, making it harder and the tickets out here are absurd. If that becomes legislation, you will be bankrupt within a month.”

Although the law is currently in place, it is unclear how strictly it will be applied. San Francisco will only be warning unauthorized parkers for the upcoming year. However, in 2025, tickets for parking on the edge will start to be issued.

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