Discover the 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Bronx, New York

One of the boroughs in New York City, the Bronx is made up of several neighborhoods, each having its special qualities and difficulties. While overall safety in the Bronx has significantly improved over time, certain neighborhoods have historically had greater rates of crime than others.

To determine which Bronx areas are the most hazardous, data on crimes, statistics, and information from law enforcement organizations must be analyzed. Finding the “most dangerous” neighborhoods, however, can be arbitrary and dependent on several variables, such as perceptions of safety, crime rates, and the kinds of crimes that occur there.

Top 5 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Bronx

Certain safety issues have been present in several Bronx communities as of my most recent report in January 2022. Though these circumstances may have changed since then, historically, there have been higher recorded crime rates in some places, including:

1. Mott Haven

Robberies and other violent crimes, like as assaults, have occasionally caused problems in this neighborhood. Nonetheless, continuous initiatives have been undertaken to solve these problems, including more policing and community activities.

2. Hunts Point

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The area has historically struggled with issues of safety, such as violent crime and property-related infractions. Local government agencies and community groups have made an effort to solve these issues.

3. Tremont

Property crimes and sporadic violent occurrences have been problems in some areas of Tremont, raising questions about local safety.

4. Fordham

Although it’s a busy neighborhood, locals are concerned about their safety because some areas have seen increased rates of property crimes, like as theft and burglary.

5. Highbridge

The town has occasionally experienced problems with crime, such as theft and isolated violent occurrences, which has prompted the local government to put safety measures in place.

It’s crucial to remember that a variety of factors, such as neighborhood initiatives, tactics used by law enforcement, and economic advancements, can cause changes in the safety situation over time.

Methodology: How to determine the Dangerous Neighborhoods in the Bronx, New York

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Finding the Bronx, and New York communities that are the most dangerous requires a thorough examination of numerous variables and data sources. The following methods can be applied to evaluate and recognize these neighborhoods:

1. Analysis of Crime Statistics

Start by gathering and examining data on crimes from official sources, including the New York City Police Department (NYPD) or other law enforcement organizations. Concentrate on a variety of criminal activities, including drug-related offenses, property crimes, violent crimes (such as assaults, robberies, and homicides), and other criminal activities.

2. Crime Rate Calculation

Determine the crime rates per resident or square mile for each of the Bronx’s neighborhoods. This normalization makes it possible to compare communities of different sizes and demographics fairly. Finding neighborhoods with a history of higher crime rates in all categories of crimes helps identify problem areas.

3. Incident Mapping and Hotspot Analysis

Map the locations of occurrences that have been reported inside the Bronx using incident mapping and hotspot analysis. Map-making software or geographic information systems (GIS) can be used to identify hotspots or clusters of criminal activity. Incident concentrations in particular places suggest neighborhoods that may be risky.

4. Community Input and Views

Take into account the opinions and feedback from the local community regarding crime and safety. To obtain qualitative data, interact with local companies, neighborhood associations, leaders in the community, and residents. Community perspectives offer important background information regarding neighborhood-specific problems and safety concerns.

5. Law Enforcement Insider Knowledge

Speak with detectives, precinct leaders, or investigators who have firsthand knowledge of the Bronx communities. They may provide additional information, insights, and professional opinions that are not generally accessible. Understanding trends, crime patterns, and priority areas for intervention is made easier with the support of law enforcement viewpoints.

6. Historical Trends and Socioeconomic Factors

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To find communities with persistent or rising crime rates, examine historical crime trends over several years. Take into account socioeconomic variables since they have been linked to crime in some localities. These variables include unemployment, housing conditions, education levels, and rates of poverty.

7. Composite Index or Ranking

To create a composite index or ranking system, combine and evaluate several data points such as incident mapping, crime statistics, community feedback, and expert insights. This index aids in the classification of neighborhoods according to their degree of safety or hazard.

8. Review and Update regularly

Several reasons might cause changes in crime patterns over time. Periodic evaluations and updates of the analysis are essential to guarantee that the data is up-to-date and useful.

This methodology aids in pinpointing regions that would necessitate focused efforts and resources to enhance security and tackle issues linked to criminal activity.


To obtain up-to-date and comprehensive details regarding safety concerns in particular Bronx neighborhoods, it is advisable to get in touch with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) or utilize their official resources. Participating in neighborhood associations or local community organizations may also provide information about safety concerns in these regions.

By being aware of local crime patterns and being aware of safety concerns, both locals and tourists may take the appropriate safety precautions and help create safer neighborhoods in the Bronx.

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