Georgia Window Tint Laws 2024: Everyone Need to Know About!

This state gets a lot of sun all year, so it is hot and muggy. Because of this, it’s not a surprise that many Georgian car owners like to tint their windows to block the sun. Georgia law has rules about how dark window tint can be that everyone in the state must follow. This will protect drivers and the city as a whole.

That is against the law, and you could get a big fine if you don’t follow these rules! In the same way, if your car already has tints on the windows, make sure you have a nearby window tinting professional check them out. This is especially important if you just bought a car from another state or often take road trips outside of your state.

It’s important to look over each state’s rules on tinting on your own because each state has its own laws. If you often drive across state lines, you might want to read our articles on tint rules in California, Maryland, and other states!

Understanding Georgia Tint Laws

Let’s take a moment to learn some important tint law terms before we look at Georgia’s tint rules. Here are some terms that you should learn:

VLT Percentage (%): Visible light transfer is what VLT stands for. It has to do with how much light a darkened window lets in. The VLT percentage of darker tints is smaller because they let less visible light through. In this case, the tint is darker when the VLT value is smaller.

Front-Side and Rear-Side Window Tint Level: The “front-side window tint level” is the VLT percentage of the two front windows of the car. The VLT percentage for the two back windows is what “Rear-side window tint level” refers to.

Rear Window Tint Level: This is not the same as “rear-side.” It refers to the VLT % of your car’s single back window.

AS-1 Line: A line called AS-1 is already marked on most cars. It sits up to 6 inches below the top edge of your windshield. You can always measure it yourself if you don’t keep it up. This is the line that most US states use to measure window tints.

Georgia Tint Laws for Passenger Vehicles

Here are the basic rules about how dark tint can be on cars in Georgia:

  • Minimum VLT for front windows: 32% (plus or minus 3%)
  • Minimum VLT for backside windows: 32% (plus or minus 3%)
  • VLT limit for rear window: 32% (plus or minus 3%)
  • Windshield tint: Must be higher than the AS-1 line or the first six inches from the top edge of the window. This color can’t be red or orange; it has to be clear.

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Georgia Tint Law Prohibits

Along with strict limits on reflectivity and tint darkness, Georgia’s tint rules also don’t allow the following:

It is against the law for cars to have a red or orange tint. This is because emergency vehicles often have red tints, and people might mistake your car for one. Additionally, these tints don’t do a good job of blocking light, which goes against the point of having darkened windows in the first place. You need to put a legal tint proof sticker on your front windshield and show it off. You could get in trouble with the cops if you don’t do that.

Benefits of Car Tint in Georgia

If you tint your car, here are some good things that will happen:

Adding shade to your windshield can cut down on solar glare, which can make driving safer on days with a lot of sun. The inside of tinted cars is cooler because the darker windows block out the hot sun. If you want to save money on your AC bills, you might want to think about darkening your windows. When driving through places with a lot of traffic, windows that are dark are better for privacy than ones that are clear.


Georgia’s tint laws dictate the minimum VLT percentage for front, backside, and rear windows, as well as the AS-1 line for windshield tint. These rules protect drivers and the city from harmful UV rays. Red or orange tints are prohibited, as they can confuse emergency vehicles and hinder light blocking. A legal tint proof sticker is required for front windshields. Car tinting in Georgia offers benefits such as reduced solar glare, cooler interior temperatures, and improved privacy. It’s essential to check with a nearby tinting professional if you have tinted windows.

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