Five Juveniles Apprehended Following Disruption at Del Amo Mall in Torrance

TORRANCE – Authorities reported on Sunday that during a rowdy gathering of around 1,000 kids at the Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance, which expanded to at least 34 surrounding establishments and prompted a multi-agency reaction, five minors were arrested and two people—including a police officer—were injured.

There were no reports of vandalism or looting.

According to the Torrance Police Department, the disturbance peaked at 4:31 p.m. on Saturday and blocked down nearby streets for over seven hours while police attempted to disperse the gathering.

Three girls and two boys from the adjacent communities of Hawthorne, Los Angeles, Gardena, and Compton were among those arrested. Sgt. Ron Salary, a spokesperson for the Torrance police, stated in an early Sunday statement. One arrestee’s address was not known.

Both the young person and the hurt Torrance police officer received treatment on the spot and didn’t need to be taken to the hospital.

Five Juveniles Apprehended Following Disruption at Del Amo Mall in Torrance (1)
A mall staffer allegedly “got in the middle of it” and cut his face slightly, according to witnesses on social media.

Torrance Police Chief Jay Heart stated, “The lawless acts we witnessed [Saturday night] do not reflect the values of our Torrance community.” “Putting an end to these disturbances and reestablishing order as soon as possible is the continued commitment of the Torrance Police Department and our regional law enforcement partners.”

George K. Chen, the mayor of Torrance, denounced the disruption and asked his people to “do better.”

In a statement, Chen stated, “We have entered a very sad state when youth visit our community and cause harm and havoc.” “It is unacceptable for adults or children to commit crimes that are prearranged and coordinated with the intent to steal and damage property. To prevent such incidents from happening in the future without grave repercussions, our criminal justice system must deal with these crimes.

“We need to and can improve. Our community in Torrance is grateful for the cooperation and promptness shown by our police department and its regional colleagues.

There was also an LAPD Air Support Division helicopter present.

The minors were eventually ordered to disperse, and they were told to stay off the mall property and away from neighboring businesses, according to Torrance police. A skirmish line was also drawn. “At the same time, thirty-four businesses were called by Torrance Police Officers and other neighboring law enforcement agencies to remove more disruptive juvenile groups that had assembled there.

“There have been no reports of looting occurrences from any members of our Business Community. There were 911 complaints about unruly young people hurling bottles without any specific purpose, but no serious vandalism was reported.

The commotion caused Del Amo Fashion Center, 3525 W. Carson St., to close at approximately 5 p.m., even though it was supposed to stay open until 9 p.m.

Street restrictions were put in place along Carson Street between Madrona Avenue and Del Amo Circle East, along Fashion Way between Madrona Avenue and Amie Avenue, and along Del Amo Circle East from Carson Street to Fashion Way throughout the police reaction.

Shortly after 11 p.m. on Saturday, all roadways were once again open.

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