Chinese scientists at the forefront of military technology research are spearheading the development of an advanced defensive technology reminiscent of the energy shields portrayed in science fiction.

Chinese Scientists Turn Sci-Fi Energy Shield into Reality for Radiation Defense

Chinese scientists at the forefront of military technology research are spearheading the development of an advanced defensive technology reminiscent of the energy shields portrayed in science fiction.

This state-of-the-art protective veil, comprised of electrically charged ions, is designed to shield China’s military assets, including drones and missiles, from high-powered microwave attacks.

The energy shield, which draws inspiration from Star Trek and Star Wars movies, quickly activates in response to an attacker’s radiation, enhancing its resistance with each subsequent attack.

High-powered microwaves pose a significant threat to modern technology, especially military chips with special circuits, which may struggle against close-range attacks delivering several kilowatts of power.

Chen Zongsheng, an associate researcher leading the project at the State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology at the National University of Defense Technology, introduced the concept of a “low-temperature plasma shield.”

This shield aims to safeguard sensitive circuits from electromagnetic weapon bombardments, demonstrating effectiveness against attacks with up to 170 kW at a distance of just 3 metres in laboratory tests.

In a recent peer-reviewed paper published in the Journal of the National University of Defense Technology, Chen and his team revealed their progress, emphasizing the ongoing development of miniaturized devices to bring this revolutionary technology to fruition.

The impetus for this research, according to the team, stems from perceived pressure from the United States, citing the deployment of equipment like the Active Denial System, the Vigilant Eagle system, and high-power microwave weapons by the US military.

The paper suggests that safeguarding the electronic information system of the People’s Liberation Army is crucial to preventing potential devastation, rendering even formidable weaponry ineffective.

China Innovates High-Power Microwaves

Chinese scientists at the forefront of military technology research are spearheading the development of an advanced defensive technology reminiscent of the energy shields portrayed in science fiction.


The Chinese military is concurrently working on ultra-high-power microwave weapons, some with a power exceeding 1 GW, to target long-range objectives, including high-altitude drones and low-orbit satellites.

Unlike traditional solid-state protection measures, the plasma-based energy shield adopts an unconventional approach inspired by tai chi principles.

Instead of directly countering electromagnetic assaults, the shield aims to convert the attacker’s energy into a defensive force. 

The team validated the concept both theoretically and experimentally, using minimal electrical energy to create a stable layer of plasma.

When exposed to attacking electromagnetic waves, the charged particles in the plasma absorb the energy, increasing their activity.

As the attack intensifies, the plasma density rises, reflecting and overwhelming the incoming waves, akin to a mirror effect. 

Once the high-power microwave subsides, the plasma reverts to its original state.

To meet the Chinese military’s requirements, the energy shield must possess robust protective capabilities without interfering with low-power electromagnetic signals. 

Additionally, it should offer a wide effective response frequency to thwart attempts to penetrate the plasma by altering the microwave frequency. Overcoming challenges related to the size, mass, and energy consumption of the energy-generating device during high-powered microwave attacks is a primary focus for Chen’s team.

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