Broadway attendance surpasses pre-COVID levels by 83% Report (1)

Broadway attendance surpasses pre-COVID levels by 83%: Report

A recent research claims that Broadway audience attendance has returned to more than 80% of its pre-COVID levels.

According to a study published by the Broadway League, 12.3 million tickets were purchased for performances on the Great White Way in the 2022–2023 season, falling just 16.8% short of the record-breaking 2018–19 season—the final full season before to COVID-19 shutdowns.

The Broadway League President Charlotte St. Martin stated, “Audiences are returning, even though we are not yet back to pre-COVID attendance levels.”

A record high of 29% of participants identified as BIPOCs (Black, Indigenous, or people of color), according to the report on audience diversity.

“This is likely from a combination of outreach efforts as well as more shows being written and/or starring people of color,” St. Martin stated.

A few more jaw-droppingly important statistics from the report:

  • The percentage of attendees from the New York City metropolitan region was just 35% (21.7% from New York City and 13.6% from the nearby suburbs).
  • 2.1 million Broadway admissions, or 17% of the audience, were from outside the United States.
  • Broadway theatergoers’ average age was 40.4 years old, making them the youngest demographic in 20 years.
  • Over the past year, Broadway theatergoers have attended four shows on average. Although they made up only 4.9% of the audience, the loyal fans who attended 15 or more shows were responsible for 30.2% of all tickets sold (3.7 million admissions).
  • The most powerful determinants of program selection were music and word-of-mouth recommendations.
  • The majority of theatergoers enjoyed being with others, and many came in pairs or small gatherings of friends and family.
  • A whopping 95% of guests vowed to never give up on their love of Broadway and said they would see another performance soon.
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